
 3D化については報道を目にしていましたが、“共同声明”については見逃していました。『スターログ日本版』25(2005 SUMMER)<総力特集『スター・ウォーズ エピソード3/シスの復讐』>「エピソード1〜3の“特別編”もあるかも……」から。セレブレーション3(米インディアナポリスで4月に開催されたファンイベント)におけるプロデューサー、リック・マッカラムの発言です。


 早くから3Dに乗り出しているキャメロン監督、あるいはジャクソン監督などは、どんなスタンスなのだろうか。IMAX-3Dなどと合わせて整理された情報が読みたいところ。で、以下は、そんなニーズに幾らかこたえてくれている、当時の報道。『Hollywood Reporter』誌のNEWSをYahoo!が扱ったものです。

Lucas was joined by James Cameron, Robert Zemeckis, Robert Rodriguez and Randal Kleiser. Peter Jackson joined the group via a pretaped 3-D segment. They all implored the exhibition community to invest in digital projectors, which would allow theatres to show their upcoming movies in 3-D.

Cameron is in preproduction on the 3-D film "Battle Angel," planned for a 2007 release. Zemeckis has two 3-D features in production, and Rodriguez is readying "The Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl in 3-D" for release in the summer. Jackson, who is currently filming "King Kong," announced no specific 3-D plans, but according to sources he has installed a 3-D master suite in his production offices in New Zealand.
Jackson joined the others to lend his support to "one of the most exciting developments in cinema in a long, long time."

"It's not just the use of digital projection, which we all know is on the horizon," Jackson said. "But that the particular technology can be used to create three-dimensional movies that go far beyond the quality and the spectacle of anything we've ever seen before. Forget the old days of wearing the red and blue glasses and the eyestrain. All of that is behind us now. These new active glasses that you're wearing and seeing 3-D with are a breakthrough in technology."

Jackson screened remastered portions from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy that featured a looming Gollum and battle dust that virtually fell onto the audience.

"I'm a man on a mission when it comes to 3-D," Cameron said. "I will be making all of my films in 3-D in the future. We need exhibition to come in to own a big chunk of the (emerging 3-D) market."

Yahoo! UK & Ireland News "Lucas plans 3-D Star Wars"Friday March 18, LAS VEGAS, Hollywood Reporter)


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